Live Tutorial Session
Open to the public for one day only!
Wednesday, June 1 - 11:00 AM EDT
Tutorial sessions are typically reserved for paid students. Join Rick in this very special and rare event for FREE.

Live Tutorial Session
Wednesday, June 1 - 11:00 AM EDT
Here’s an event you won’t want to miss. Ordinarily, these sessions are for subscribers who have paid to take Rick’s trading courses. They are held twice monthly to emphasize not ‘chalk talk’, but to find actual trades during regular market hours. During the 60-minute class on April 28, Rick extracted a $600 profit from AAPL in mere minutes, and $375 from another trade that took a little longer to play out.
He knows that the best way for students to learn to do this themselves is to watch their instructor set up trades and pull the trigger. He does so with no preparation, since opportunities on the lesser charts are literally everywhere to be found. A highlight of the sessions involves “forcing” trades in order to extract quick profits from vehicles that seem trendless.
Skeptical this can be done? Then by all means, come and see for yourself. This is the first time Rick has invited outsiders to watch, and we’re sure you’ll enjoy the show. Click below for a front-row seat – and see you on June 1.
During these session, Rick will:

Pull the trigger on actual trades

Encourage you to do the same so that you can make money while you learn

Demonstrate all types of set-ups: mechanical, camouflage and 'reverse ABC'

Revisit Hidden Pivot 'basics' whenever necessary

Answer individual questions

Provide trading ideas to use after the class